Alaska Christian College
The mission of Alaska Christian College is to empower Alaska Natives through biblically-based higher education and Christian formation to pursue excellence in character, learning, and service as followers of Christ.

Arctic Barnabas Ministries
The mission of Arctic Barnabas Ministries is to strengthen and encourage pastor and missionary families to effectively advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout remote Alaska & Northern Canada!
Grant & Lenna Funk | AvSTEM
Pastor Grant & Lenna Funk live in McGrath, Alaska. The Funks have a heart for Foster Care and Adoption. They provide training and insight for churches on how to disciple and parent children who have experienced early childhood trauma and prenatal alcohol exposure. They are currently working on starting a Christian boarding school which will serve interior Alaska.

Jerry & Jane Casey Kingdom Air Corps
The Casey's serve in Alaska through Kingdom Air Corps. Jerry works as a flight instructor, preparing future missionary pilots. Jerry and Jane use their gifts of hospitality and encouragement to disciple and train the next generation of missionaries.

SEND North
We exist to mobilize God’s people, engage the unreached, and establish churches in Alaska and northern Canada.
Brad & Maddie Fox | SEND North
Brad & Maddie Fox are missionaries with SEND North. They reside in Allakaket, AK, where they are dedicated to planting churches in the remote villages of Alaska.