We were made to respond to the glory of God.

Who We Are.
We are a family of volunteer musicians and technicians from diverse backgrounds and cultures, representing a wide variety of ministry experience. We love getting to make much of Jesus together through music and technology. Students and adults rehearse and lead worship services weekly as well as for special ministry events.
We believe that each area of ministry and service at ChangePoint begins with and thrives on real, growing relationships within a loving community of people.
The people on this team genuinely love each other and love serving together!
Our pursuit together is worshipping God through the praise of our lips and the love of our actions, while intentionally becoming more fully devoted followers of Jesus
in the day by day, moment by moment journey of life.
We believe that each area of ministry and service at ChangePoint begins with and thrives on real, growing relationships within a loving community of people.
The people on this team genuinely love each other and love serving together!
Our pursuit together is worshipping God through the praise of our lips and the love of our actions, while intentionally becoming more fully devoted followers of Jesus
in the day by day, moment by moment journey of life.
Interested in joining the Worship or Production Team?
We would love to hear from you if you have experience in vocal and/or instrumental music, or if you have experience in live/broadcast audio, video, lighting. For interested musicians and production technicians, our interview process really helps us get to know you, and you to know us.
Interested musicians will have an opportunity to share their experience via video and through an in-person music audition and interview. Interested production-area technicians will have an opportunity to share their experience through an in-person interview.
Interested musicians will have an opportunity to share their experience via video and through an in-person music audition and interview. Interested production-area technicians will have an opportunity to share their experience through an in-person interview.
Worship Moments.
Click below to enjoy a few moments of worship at ChangePoint.
To access music and messages updated weekly, subscribe to our ChangePoint YouTube channel.
To access music and messages updated weekly, subscribe to our ChangePoint YouTube channel.