on the corner of minnesota and raspberry
Raspberry is the original ChangePoint campus. Founded out of a Sunday school class in 1989, Raspberry is a large campus with several thousand worshippers.
Worship with Raspberry
Raspberry is currently offering worship services both online and in-person.
Worship Online
We gather for worship online at 9:30am on Sundays.
Live streaming is available on a variety of platforms including Youtube, Facebook, here on our website, and through the ChangePoint App.
Live streaming is available on a variety of platforms including Youtube, Facebook, here on our website, and through the ChangePoint App.
Worship In-Person
We gather for worship in-person at 9:30am and 11:30am.
The services are mostly identical.
Child-specific content is available through AdventureLand for children from birth through 5th grade.
The services are mostly identical.
Child-specific content is available through AdventureLand for children from birth through 5th grade.
What's the Service Like?
A typical worship service lasts for 75 minutes.
We typically sing 4-5 songs during a worship service. We sing a mix of contemporary music and modern hymns. The time we spend singing together is a worship offering to God. We're led by a volunteer worship team from our congregation, not professional musicians. Here's a sample to give you an idea of what we do.
Sermons are 30-35 minutes long based out of a single text from the Bible. We use a team teaching model, so there are a group of preachers who rotate. Sometimes we preach through books of the Bible. Other times we look at a theme or idea across the breadth of scripture. Still curious? See our most recent message below.
Most of what we do as a church doesn't happen on Sunday. We dedicate time in the service each week to talk about how we're advancing our vision as a church.
You can always find out more or get involved "in the Commons." At our campus, the Commons is a big room where you can meet people and get connected. If you're joining us online, stay tuned after the worship service for a video "Commons" experience where you can get connected wherever you are.
You can always find out more or get involved "in the Commons." At our campus, the Commons is a big room where you can meet people and get connected. If you're joining us online, stay tuned after the worship service for a video "Commons" experience where you can get connected wherever you are.
Find Community
Following Jesus is Better Together
We don't just meet on Sundays. We also meet both online and in-person in Life Groups across our community to:
Enjoy God Together • Be Transformed Together • Demonstrate God's Heart Together
Enjoy God Together • Be Transformed Together • Demonstrate God's Heart Together
Upcoming Events
There's lots going on at ChangePoint Raspberry.
From classes and youth events, to parties and service opportunities, there's always lots going on at ChangePoint's Raspberry Campus. Many classes are available via Zoom as well for those practicing caution.
Meet our Pastors

Vanessa Makihele - Children’s Pastor / Connections Ministry
Jeremy Jones - Care Pastor
Kyle Rudy - Missions

Dave Bacher - Care Pastor