2024 Summer Calendar


Our Mission

Life in Christ for every Alaskan student and the world beyond.

What is CPSM?

ChangePoint Student Ministries, is a student ministry ranging from 6th through 12th grade. We hope you'll join us as we hang out, build friendships, and grow together as young men and women of Christ.

Middle School

Grades 6-8

CPSM's Middle School ministry is all about life change. 
We believe it is  important to teach biblical lessons that students can apply to real life choices as they prepare for high school and adulthood.  Students will learn the importance of community, mentorship, and daily worship that will be the foundation of their faith journey to come.

High School

Grades 9-12

CPSM's High School ministry is geared towards  digging deeper. 
 We believe high school is a pivotal stage where students need to be both encouraged and challenged to make their faith their own.  Student's will have  opportunities to go on missions and serve as leaders as they dig deeper into theology  and the heart of God.

how to serve

All three CPSM programs are built around small groups and led by adult leaders we call "Field Staff."
Small groups provide a setting for students to work out their faith in a supportive peer group.

Interested in joining the Field Staff?  Click here to apply.

CPSM team

Scott Smith

Student Pastor
Father of 6.  Loves hanging out with students more than adults.   Went to school with Chuck Norris.  Favorite hobby is chasing butterflies in the rain.

Hannah Deeney

DueNorth Coordinator 
After serving in DueNorth for 4 1/2 years Hannah felt called to step into this new role.  She works full-time flying around the state rescuing small squirrels and helping reHome them.   She loves listening to jungle rock in her free time and collecting used Q-tips. 

Dayna Stierwalt

Student Ministries Coordinator
She graduated class of 2022 and is still here.  Loves working with Middle School.  She is often in the coffee shop just staring at the ceiling.  She has a snail farm that she has kept going since she was in the 4th grade.

Sofia Swan

Student Worship Director
She brings the spice to the team!  Enjoys working with students and the art of worship.  Favorite food is stale licorice.

Samantha Jones

Interim Middle School Director
After years of volunteering, Samantha has taken the plunge of joining staff! She is a proud mother of 3 and enjoys comparing crayon colors in her free time. She aspires to be an astronaut.  

Nivek Thomson

Coffee Shop Manager
Nivek was excited to step into the role as Coffee Shop Manager for this year.  His hobbies include, extreme ironing, drainage cover watching, and tennis. 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.