Mike and Kirsten Belloni
Mike and Kirsten have served in Cambodia where they helped bring hope to a nation through art and education. They served as educators and administrators for Logos International School, a mission of Asian Hope in Cambodia. They are now living back in Alaska, but continue to work and partner with mission organizations in Cambodia.

Curtis & Jen Burnam
The Multiply Project - Serving Globally
Curtis and Jen serve with Missionary Gospel Fellowship to disciple students and adults through short term mission trips, training Latin American youth leaders and pastors to develop disciple making youth ministries in the US and Latin America, and training local youth workers to create disciple making youth ministries.

Jesus Film Project
Serving Globally
The Jesus Film Project works to bring the greatest story of all time to everyone, everywhere, in every language. The Jesus Film team works to translate the Jesus Film, which is based on the Gospel of Luke, into every language so that people can hear the Gospel in their own heart language. Three of our ChangePoint family members work with the Jesus Film Project around the world. Due to the nature of their work, we cannot disclose their identity.

Max & Jenna Schaafsma
Max and Jenna Schaafsma are serving the Lord in Milan, Italy with CEDE Sports. Max is a pastor in the church Punto Luce and with Jenna they focus on youth ministry as well as using sports as a tool for sharing the Gospel with teammates and friends.

Michael & Nina Schaafsma
Serving with CEDE Sports, Michael is the founding pastor of the Punto Luce (Point of Light) church. Together Michael and Nina serve their community through preaching, teaching, worship, youth events, family ministry, and friendship as well as various outreaches through dinners and sporting events.

David & Anne Sheahan
David and Anne serve with Overseas Missionary Fellowship in Chiang Mai, Thailand where they help people know the greatness of Christ accurately and personally. They make it a priority to introduce the gospel to the Thai Buddhists and to walk alongside fellow believers that are weathering heavy challenges.

Michael & Tara Warren
Serving Globally
Michael and Tara serve with Ends of The Earth Cycling, an active bicycling community impacting youth globally. They give people who want to change the world opportunities to use cycling to bring the hope of the Gospel to global youth through multi-day, Christ-centered bicycling tours.