Breaking the Chains of Financial Bondage
Apr 30, 2017 • Dan Jarrell
Naturally, we want to make our own choices, blaze our own trails, and live the way we want…FREELY. Unfortunately, that isn’t how life for many of us works or feels. Maybe we’ve become enslaved to an addiction or unhealthy pattern of life. Or, maybe our finances are a mess. It could be that we just can’t seem to get out of the same circular pattern that leaves us empty and hurting. So what do we do? How do we get free of the restraints that hold us down? Our current teaching series is called Chain Breaker. The focus is on the power of Christ to break the chains that bind, or weigh us down in this life. Join us over the next several weeks as we will be looking at how Christ can set us free from spiritual, emotional, & financial bondage.