Practical skills

in how to relate

Like Jesus

Based on Emotionally Healthy Relationships by Peter & Geri Scazzero

8-Week Series

Oct 2 - Nov 20

Finding wholeness

Scripture teaches that spiritual maturity and relational maturity are inseparable from each other.  Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 22 that loving other people “as yourself” is inseparably linked to loving God. Unfortunately, we aren’t born with innate people skills.  We are by nature relationally immature.  Our natural relational instincts reflect our spiritual brokenness.  We are defensive, non-self-aware, isolated, quick to blame, reactive, fearful, self-absorbed, addicted, and dishonest.
A major part of the transformation Jesus wants to work in our life—perhaps the most central one of all, in fact—is to change us from relational brokenness to relational wholeness.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he can help us become approachable, self-aware, connected, quick to take responsibility, non-reactive, courageous, self-giving, free, and honest.

In this study

Over 8 weeks we will go to the Bible for guiding relational principles taught across scripture.

Each week we will have both a Study Guide and a Tool of the Week to help you develop these "people skills."

Based on Emotionally Healthy Relationships
by Peter & Geri Scazzero

We based People Skills on Emotionally Healthy Relationships by Peter & Geri Scazzero. We only cover a portion of their available content in this study. If you find People Skills helpful you can find all of Peter & Geri's resources online at
One resource we recommend is  Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day. This 40-day, morning and evening  devotional is packed with rich content related directly to People Skills.