Strong Women
Strong Women Stay Young!
Designed for women middle-age and older, however, we welcome all women over 18 who would like to start strong. Modeled off of the best selling books Strong Women Stay Young and Strong Women, Strong Bones, by Dr. Miriam Nelson, this is a low-impact and slow building strength class. You can start at any level.
Morning class
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Sept - Aug
Located in the Alyeska Room at the Raspberry Campus
Cost: $25 - Bring a yoga mat, good shoes and drinking water.
Contact Helen Ann Anderson with questions.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Sept - Aug
Located in the Alyeska Room at the Raspberry Campus
Cost: $25 - Bring a yoga mat, good shoes and drinking water.
Contact Helen Ann Anderson with questions.
Evening Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Located in the Alyeska Room at the Raspberry Campus
Cost: $25 - Bring a yoga mat, good shoes and drinking water.
Contact Rhonda Risinger with questions.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Located in the Alyeska Room at the Raspberry Campus
Cost: $25 - Bring a yoga mat, good shoes and drinking water.
Contact Rhonda Risinger with questions.