Women's Collective Teams: Prayer, Care and Partner

Our Prayer Care and Partner teams are divided in those 3 categories. Whether you are looking to join a team or looking for prayer, care or a partner, you are in the right spot. Each button will take you to the email of who you can contact about each team. The creation of the teams are done as needs arise. If you would like to join a team or have a new idea for a team, contact Laura for more information.
Or, just for general information, you can contact Laura directly. 

Women's Prayer Team

Prayer is direct communication with our Heavenly Father. We have the privilege to carry each other's burdens, support each other, pray for change and transformation to our amazing God. Our prayer ministry has a few ways to participate.

Prayer Team- this is and opportunity to join with other women in prayer for each other, our church and the world. If you want to grow in your prayer life, this is the group for you.

Prayer Warriors are women who may or may not attend a Prayer Team but are willing to call women in crisis and pray with them and follow up.

If you are looking for prayer yourself, click the Prayer Request button, below. 

Women's Care Team

The Bible is clear that one of the best ways the world will know of Christ is through the love we have for each other in the family of God. Our care teams are designed to support and care for the women of Changepoint, or those closely associated with them as they go through crisis, challenges or changes. This could be as simple preparing a meal for a meal train, transporting someone to doctor appointments, post surgery care, etc. The sky is the limit. If you have a certain passion or skill you would like to be made available as women have needs, please click the Care Team inquiry button ad we will start that conversation! 

Women's Partner Team

Sometimes life takes a turn and we need people to walk with us through a hard season. We have women who have "been there, survived that" and feel the Lord has called them to go back and walk with others as they go through a similar situation. These women are not professionals and cannot take the place of formal care. However, they can walk with you and make sure you are not alone. Below are just a few of the  partner opportunities. You can click on the button to connect with one of them.